Friday, August 18, 2006


Hey Peeps!

So, it's official now, we're releasing a free plugin! :D
[This started elsewhere on the blog!]

What you get:
- Really nice metering [pre / post fader], [peak, hold and rms]
- A really tall fader
- Ability to use it as a +/-24dB trim, or a channel fader
- Phase invert
- Mute

So... do you want a Bypass button on the UI?

Here's how the thing works, btw... There's a button on the bottom, marked "Trim".
When you boot the plugin, you get a channel-type fader, from +18 to -96.
Hit Trim, and the fader labelling changes, to +/-24 db of where the fader is set, so that you can
do extra accurate fader positioning.... or, just boot it up and hit trim to pad or gain a few db.

How does that sound?


Percussion Lab said...

Sounds great - tho I wish there was more to it! This will be good for touching up the signal post vintage warmer tho...

Anonymous said...

are u around?


Anonymous said...

are u around?


Dave Sonalksis said...

Just got back from helping someone move house! Tired now! :-)

Dave Sonalksis said...

electrock - not yet. he's still taking a look. Sorry!

Anonymous said...

There will be a PAN-dial on the Free-G



smart said...

Very cool, can't wait for it.